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Lonely Pup [In A Christmas Shop] (świąteczna) - Adam Faith

Lonely Pup [In A Christmas Shop] (świąteczna)
Lonely Pup [In A Christmas Shop] (świąteczna)
Adam Faith
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Soft brown eyes that seem to say, 
Stay a while, I want to play, 
Would you could you do please stop, 
He´s a lonely pup in a Christmas shop. 

Thank you lady, 
Thank you sir, 
Is there someone else 
That you´d prefer? 
He´s not selfish just a flop, 
Though he wags his tail 
In a Christmas shop. 

Mister Santa, if you would, 
Send him someone, oh so good, 
Someone who will take him home, 
For everyone to see. 

Christmas time, a Christmas tree, 
With the happy family, 
Pity him he´s got no Pop, 
He´s a lonely pup in a Christmas shop. 

Mister Santa, if you would, 
Send him someone, oh so good, 
Someone who will take him home, 
For everyone to see. 

Christmas time, a Christmas tree, 
With the happy family, 
Pity him he´s got no Pop, 
He´s a lonely pup in a Christmas shop. 
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